Condom Concierge
Visit the Recwell Condom Concierge for free sexual health products.
There are some trusted, reliable online resources for finding out more information about STI prevention, testing and treatment. If you want to speak with someone on-campus to learn more about your own risk or to talk about testing and treatment, you can make an appointment with a provider at University Student Health Services or check out their Sexual Health Resources for some great online information!
There are some trusted, reliable online resources for finding out more information about STI prevention, testing and treatment. If you want to speak with someone on-campus to learn more about your own risk or to talk about testing and treatment, you can make an appointment with a provider at University Student Health Services or check out their Sexual Health Resources for some great online information!
It's best to begin by talking to your health care provider to weigh the pros and cons of each method to inform your decision. If you don’t have a provider near campus, consider making an appointment with University Student Health Services.
Learn more about the Sexual Health and Wellness services they offer to VCU Students.
View a map of sexual health resources in Richmond
Affirmative Consent is:
- Informed (knowing)
- Voluntary (freely given)
- Active (not passive)
This means that through the demonstration of clear words or actions, a person has indicated permission to engage in mutually agreed-upon sexual activity. Remember:
- Consent to one act does not constitute consent to another act
- The existence of a prior or current relationship does not, in itself, constitute consent
- Consent can be withdrawn or modified at any time before or during sexual activity
- Consent is not implicit in a person’s manner of dress or flirtatious behavior
Read VCU's Sexual Misconduct/Violence and Sex/Gender Discrimination Policy to learn more about how VCU defines consent.
- Your partner(s) support(s) you in reaching your goals
- You feel physically and emotionally safe with and respected by your partner(s)
- You are comfortable spending some time apart
- Forgiveness feels like peace, not force
- You value each other's friendship
- Your partner(s) like(s) you for who you are
- You enjoy exchanging ideas with your partner(s)
- You can comfortably disagree
Connect with a confidential advocate through University Counseling Services Advocacy Services by emailing myoptions@vcu.edu.