RecWell’s Mindful Ambassador Program (MAP) aims to identify students, faculty, and staff who are interested in creating a mindful revolution and healthier campus community. After several years of running group guided meditation and mindfulness appointments with our campus community members, RecWell's Dr. Mia Liadis began MAP in 2020 as a way to expand mindful leadership to larger groups of students faculty and staff.
Mindful practice has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of burnout - challenges that we know many students and staff have experienced, or continue to experience.
In this two-hour workshop, you will learn about various types of meditation, belly breathing, mindful posture, and special considerations for leading meditation with others. There will also be opportunities to practice facilitating the different meditations learned.
Those who complete the workshop will receive additional mindfulness resources to lead meditation in the community along with a sticker to symbolize leadership on campus.
For training dates and registration, please visit training.vcu.edu.
Looking to learn from mindful events at VCU? Join our RamsConnect page for program updates and weekly meditation while classes are in session.