Physical health and sleep hero


Move your body!

How much time do you take for you each week? Adding physical activity into your schedule can be daunting at first. Physical activity not only helps to keep your body strong but it helps to keep you mentally strong, too! There are many ways to move your body - jump, dance, walk, stretch, and more.

As a busy college student, it can be challenging to take care of yourself and keep up with your courses. To perform at your best in the classroom, we also need to take care of our bodies.

Finding ways to incorporate physical activity, healthy eating, quality sleep and self-care in your daily life is important to maintain optimal physical health.

Learn more about strategies to maintain or improve your overall physical health:

Practice Mindful Exercise

Mindful exercise is the concept of performing exercise with your full attention. This involves:

  • Letting go of outside distractions and thoughts unrelated to your workout.
  • Focusing on the movements your body is performing, your breathing, and how your body feels.
  • Benefits of mindful exercise:
  • Increase effectiveness
  • Decrease risk of injury
  • Increase your enjoyment of exercise


Sleep not only restores our bodies, it helps our brain synthesize information. A lack of adequate sleep can negatively impact our cognitive performances and our moods. It increases the risk of car accidents, weight gain, and heart attacks. Sleeping too much (e.g. 10-12 hours consistently) may be due to underlying issues with our physical or mental health. If you’re finding that you’re consistently getting very little or too much sleep, consider talking with a physician or counselor.

In general though, how can we improve our sleep habits? Visit the National Sleep Foundation or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to learn more!

Tips for more restful sleep:

  1. The blue light from our electronics can keep us awake at night. We recommend powering down at least an hour before bed.
  2. Practice a mindfulness meditation before bed to ground you and manage intrusive thoughts or running lists.
  3. Try to avoid fatty meals, alcohol and/or caffeine close to bedtime.
  4. Try to be consistent about the time that you go to bed and time you wake up.
  5. Nap for 30 minutes or less - or more than 90 minutes. This can help you get a boost of energy to help get you through the day.
  6. Exercising for at least 20-30 minutes regularly has been shown to improve sleep and overall mood.
  7. Caffeine and alcohol in the afternoon and evening before bed can interrupt our ability to sleep
  8. Having trouble falling asleep? Get out of bed and do something relaxing until you feel tired. That way, you only associate being in bed with being asleep (or with sex!).