The Outdoor Adventure Program is partnering with VCU's Center for Environmental Studies to provide hands-on experience and training for students interested in pursuing leadership roles in private and government land management, the outdoor recreation industry, field research, environmental education, ecotourism and other fields. The certificate is the natural outgrowth of eight years of successful collaborative programming between the Center and the OAP.
The undergraduate Outdoor Leadership Certificate is open to all majors. The program will require a minimum of 12 credits in courses such as outdoor leadership, outdoor programming and event management, outdoor team building and facilitation, expedition planning and wilderness first aid.
Number of Credit Hours: 12-16 credits
View the VCU Bulletin: Certificate in Outdoor Leadership course information
All students will be required to complete core coursework.
Core Courses – 12 credits
- ENVS 260. Outdoor Leadership (3)
- ENVS 360. Outdoor Programming and Event Management (3)
- ENVS 361. Outdoor Team Building & Facilitation (3)
- ENVS 460. Wilderness First Responder (3)
Optional Electives – 3-4 credits
This category is optional. Students can select one course from the following list of courses.
- ENVS 491. Topics in Environmental Studies (1-4)
- ENVS 492. Independent Study (1-3)
Read more from VCU about Outdoor Leadership students:
ENVS 591 Section 903 Expedition Planning (3) Tuesday - Thursday 5:30-645pm
“The Sacred Monkey expedition” is a collaborative experiential learning opportunity that will combine faculty from the Center for Environmental Studies and the Outdoor Adventure Program. Taking place over two semesters in the academic year 2023-24. Students will register for Expedition Planning & Management (ENVS 591) in the Fall of 2023 and Natural History of the Usumacinta River. (ENVS 591) in the Spring of 2024. Students will follow through on the expedition that they plan in class and travel to Chiapas Mexico during the January break to raft on the Usumacinta River. This is a remarkable setting with tropical biodiversity and Mayan ruins only accessible from the river itself. These two courses are not meant to stand alone, they will intentionally overlap and intertwine so that we may better understand the connection between each. The primary learning objective for the Expedition Planning & Management portion of this collaborative course is to introduce students to knowledge, skills, and risk assessment necessary for effective planning and management of short and extended wilderness expeditions. Students participating in this course will plan and facilitate a two week expedition on the Usumacinta River in Chiapas, Mexico. The expedition will take place from December 28th, 2023 to January 14th, 2024. Participation in this trip is required in order to register for the class. The cost to this expedition will be $1500 and does not include transportation to Villahermosa Airport where the trip will begin. Instructor permission and commitment to the expedition in Mexico is required to participate in this course. CRN 45452