Peer Health Education Hero


Meet the Team

Members in the PHE program provide all students at VCU with quality, well-informed, peer-led education on relevant health issues impacting student well-being. All students within the PHE program work to:

  • Create an atmosphere of safety and learning to address current health topics.
  • Stay up-to-date on current research and trends in health promotion and wellbeing.
  • Encourage open, respectful dialogue.
  • Develop strong partnerships with other student organizations.
  • Empower students to explore personal identity.
  • Connect students to existing resources to support their success.
  • Maintain trusting, non-judgmental relationships to support student-driven behavior change.
  • Design educational and outreach programs that are inclusive and accessible for all students, and reflect the unique needs of VCU students.

All PHEs at VCU are required to take the HPED 305: Concepts in Peer Health Education course, offered each spring through our Recreation and Wellness Minor. PHE's obtain a national certification as a Certified Peer Educator (CPE), with additional training in four of our main health promotion content areas.

  • Alcohol and Other Drugs
  • Mental Health
  • Sexual Health/Healthy Relationships
  • Physical Health

Interested in learning more about health and wellbeing? Check out where you can find us and what we will be talking about on our programming calendar!

Email to learn more about the program.

Register for HPED 305: Concepts in Peer Health Education for the Spring! 

Our Peer Health Educators were featured in the January 10, 2023 edition of VCU News! Read about the impact our team has on the well-being of the campus community! 

Two students sit at an information table. Another student stands in front of the table, facing them. They are having a conversation.