RecWell offers registered student organizations, university departments, and on a limited basis, non-VCU organizations the opportunity to reserve space for special events. Experienced staff will help groups plan their event by assisting with details such as facility setup, rental equipment, and event supervision.
VCU Registered Student Organizations and Departments should request to reserve RecWell spaces using the EMS WebApp. Anyone with VCU credentials can log in with their VCU eID and password to browse for space.
Non-VCU Affiliated Groups should contact the Facility Operations and Events Coordinator at recsportevent@vcu.edu to inquire about space rentals.
Please visit our rental rates page to view our hourly rates listed by facility space.
To view our facility schedules, follow the 3 easy steps below:
1) Follow this link: https://vcu.emscloudservice.com/web/
2) You DO NOT need to sign in! Click on the LOCATIONS tab on the left of your screen.
3) Scroll to view the schedule for all of our RecWell spaces in the middle of your screen!
All requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Requests for each semester will open according to the dates below.
Fall Semester (mid-August through mid-January)
- Registered Student Organizations & University Departments: July 15
- Non-University Organizations: First day of class for the Fall Semester
Spring Semester (mid-January through mid-May)
- Registered Student Organizations & University Departments: October 15
- Non-University Organizations: First day of class for the Spring Semester
Summer Semester (mid-May through mid-August)
- Registered Student Organizations & University Departments: February 15
- Non-University Organizations: March 1
Facility Request Procedures
- Requests for space must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the event.
- Requests for complex events must be submitted at least 30 days in advance of the event.
- Requests for events involving participants under the age of 18 must be submitted at least 45 days in advance in order to comply with the Safety & Protection of Minors Policy.
- RecWell staff will reach out to confirm or discuss details and event logistics within three business days.
- RecWell will electronically process the request and provide the client with an electronic Facility Use Agreement, which serves as the agreement for the reservation.
- Meeting/event requests will not be considered “approved” until the group:
- Receives the ‘Confirmed-Final’ or ‘Confirmed- Pending Details’ Facility Use Agreement, which will include all the final details, equipment requests, labor requests, and charges, and if applicable:
- Provides RecWell with a certificate of liability insurance
- Is in compliance with the Safety & Protection of Minors Policy.
- VCU Affiliated groups accept and agree to the terms of the Facility Use Agreement when they receive a ‘Confirmed-Final’ Facility Use Agreement. The agreement serves as the confirmation of the reservation and the agreement for services that will be provided. The ‘Confirmed-Final’ Facility Use Agreement will also serve as authorization to process any and all charges against the index code provided and/or agreement to pay all related charges with another form of payment should an index code not be provided.
- Non-VCU affiliated groups will be required to sign and return a Facility Usage Agreement.
- Groups are required to read the Facility Use Agreement carefully to ensure that all services, furniture, and equipment needed are listed. All costs on the Facility Use Agreement are estimates. If a meeting/event requires changes to rooms, equipment or labor, the final charges will be adjusted accordingly, and late request fees may also apply.
- After the event has occurred, the organization will be sent an invoice for the remaining balance, if applicable. The invoice must be paid in full within 30 days.
- An event will be defined as “complex” at the discretion of RecWell staff and/or when the event includes two or more of the following criteria:
- Fundraiser
- Tournament
- Contracted services (catering, stage, tent, inflatables, etc.)
- Attendance of more than 50 participants
- Participation by non-RecWell members
- Request is for multiple spaces
- Multiple organizations are involved with the event
- If an event is determined to be a complex event, a pre-approval meeting will be required to ensure the needs of the organization can be met and to review RecWell expectations.
- Complex events require an Event Manager to be assigned for the duration of the event, and the sponsoring organization will be charged a staffing fee.
Please review the Facility Scheduling and Rental Procedures Manual for a complete list of guidelines and procedures.
Interested in our Outdoor Adventure Program? Use the request form below to request a program or space rental:
VCU OAP Program & Space Request Form
If you have any questions regarding equipment checkout please contact us at recsportevent@vcu.edu.